
the disappearance of me

for the next year or maybe longer, i am putting down my camera and saying goodbye to photography for a while. i have been pushing myself for 4 years now and i have grown tired of giving everything and not getting anything in return. i am leaving my email open to anyone who maybe wants me to pick my camera up again and work for them, but until that day i am giving up
today i started at leeds college of art doing a foundation course for the next year, and hopefully it will guide me to somewhere that is much better than here. i want to focus on making it, and photography isn't making anything for me, it's dragging me down.
thank you to everybody who has supported me and said 'i love your photos', you kept me going for a while. and to those who will call me a loser for quitting, if you knew me closely you would understand that there is a lot more that goes on in my life other than taking photos.

i don't know whether this is a final goodbye to my blog, or a see you later, but thank you to every page view and email. you're wonderful


when noone else is around

they have my heart. when there is nobody else to look after me, innocence is the best teacher. innocence doesn't do bad things or think about the worst. it just smiles


thousand eyes

oh it's time to fight for souls

(love) the luminaries