

if you follow me on Facebook or twitter, you will have already seen my new curve for sale. i've done this to help other photographers starting out, and to keep my funds alive to shoot still!
if you want a chance to WIN the curve, head over to my Facebook page to enter, or if you want to buy my curve from etsy, click here!

i hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of a new summer, and eating all the strawberries you can find. and taking all the pictures you can take, because i am


visit to the seagulls

the car journey, with sun blazing through the windows

beach views and people

sister, brother and daddy going to collect shells for our fish tank

it's only a short one i know. but it's all i have for now
i finished college (sort of) today and it feels sad, but not quite over yet. we have the end of year show to set up and then, we dress up and go look at our work proudly sitting on the walls of leeds college of art's studios.
it's fast life. it feels like two minutes ago that i was at my interview, so nervous i wouldn't get in. and now i'm going to cumbria to do graphic design. crazy

ps. if you're in the leeds area, you should get yourself a ticket for the show, when they come out, and head over (there's free wine and beautiful art)